مركز اعداد القيادات التنفيذية المتميز
ملتقى القيادات التنفيذية
عن ملتقى القيادات التنفيذية
يسعد جمعية التطوير والتنمية ومركز اعداد القيادات التنفيذية المتميز أن يعلن لأول مرة فى مصر عن إفتتاح ملتقى القيادات التنفيذية والذى يضم أكثر من 1600 خريجاً من القيادات التنفيذية .
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هاتف رقم : +(202) 33059513
+(202) 33059514
+(202) 33059562
فاكس رقم : (202) 33059563
بريد الكتروني: cee@pdf-eg.org
Strategic Execution Workshop
The art and science of strategic decision making
For the first time in Egypt and in partnership with the Professional Development Foundation (PDF); London business school is having its first open enrollment program in “Strategic Execution.”
The program is targeting Business executives who constantly make important strategic decisions and take strategic actions with lasting consequences in an uncertain world.
HR Planning and Talent Management Workshop
How to implement talent management within organisations and ensure that it becomes the dynamic process it needs to be
Managing Change, Complexity and Crisis Workshop
Capturing the Power of Negotiation
Negotiation skills are critical to sustain and enhance your leadership position and improve your business and personal transactions. You negotiate all the time, whether internal negotiations with a board and colleagues or external negotiations with representatives of another organization, negotiations with family and so on.
Value to Participating Organizations
The focal point of The Work Itself alignment method is a facilitated work session that helps work teams align their individual and team activities with key Your Organizational strategies. This method was developed as a result of The Work Itself Group’s work in strategic planning, quality improvement, and performance management.
The value of The Work Itself arises from the fact that no single individual or group within today’s demanding marketplace can possess the wisdom or vision needed to chart strategic action and carry it out successfully.
Who should Apply?
TWI is designed for individuals such as groups work in strategic planning, quality improvement, and performance management they could be more effective with a broader understanding of the overall functioning of an organization.